Welcome to this blog where I document my reflections throughout the semester for ETEC543: Understanding Learning Analytics lead by Jovita Vytasek. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Investigate the origins of the field of learning analytics
  • Evaluate learning analytics tools appropriate to your context, as preparation for possible adoption
  • Apply critical thinking skills to learning analytics claims and publications
  • Make a balanced risk-benefit assessment of a learning analytics tool or method.
  • Strategically plan the implementation of LA within your context, including rallying interested parties and being aware of institutional cultures and potential barriers and needs.
  • Propose methods of LA and approaches that will benefit you and your learners by providing insights and intelligence in your own educational context.

Course Reflection

In this course, I felt like I learned a lot about utilization of learning analytics and explored many of the tools that were readily available when it comes to identifying underlying patterns within student behavior.

One big challenge was the implementation of learning analytics in my professional context, as I have yet needed to use learning analytics in the day to day tasks of my current position in Educational Technology. It became one of the situations where I felt like “am I feeling lost because I have yet to find the application of what I learned in theory to practice, or am I feeling lost because I am lacking practice and therefore unable to understand the theory” situation.

What I found most useful was during the final project showcase, and crowdsourced the functions of each tool, and were able to see the tool analyze real-time data relevant to a range of diverse contexts.

Overall, I feel like I have expanded my views on how learning analytics are utilized, the benefits and concerns, as well as the kinds of tools available for data visualization and analysis. Hopefully I will have more opportunities for application of my knowledge in a practical way!

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