Linking Task 7: Mode Bending (Erin)

Task 7: Mode-Bending

I chose to link to Erin’s post because of her unique audio and visual form to share what is in her bag in a very familiar, effective and clever way through Tik Tok.

Erin approached the task in a very literal way, showing the contents of what is in her bag. In terms of the content in her bag, I would say we both have similar items with similar purposes. One main difference is that Erin drives and I rely on public transit, which might be the deciding factor of the divergence in our blog posts.

Erin’s post expands across both audio and visual media,  with a few components that work cohesively in conjunction, which is distinctive of a Tik Tok:

  • Background Music: considered the mood and length for the Tik Tok
  • Text: visually displayed the key words on screen next to items as they appear
  • Audio Speech-to-text Description: brief text-to-speech description “with key words to describe a sentiment without actually saying what it was” (Duchesne, 2022).
  • Video: using trending zoom-in/zoom-out effect of items in her bag

Should one isolate any one component, they might not understand the context of what is happening as they rely on each other to make-meaning.

Though it is not required, having some background knowledge of the trends on Tik Tok can help understand the context of the presentation format and why it is “entertaining”.


Though I have seen Tik Toks and understand this format of social media, I personally do not use the platform at all, so I am impressed by her use of the functions that the app has to offer. It is a very entertaining way to condense information in such a short amount of time, and grab one’s attention!

” It forced me to think about many possibilities that I normally would not pursue and work out the creative details of different ideas until I found one that would fit the criteria and that I could execute.” (Duchesne, 2022) reminded me that social media can be a powerful tool and robust platform for the intent of creating and sharing information in the realm of educational technology. It definitely breaks down the barrier and idea of “educational technology” being confined to the structure of institutions, and is more ubiquitous than we make it seem!


Duchesne, E. (2022, June 30). Task 7: Mode-Bending. Erin Duchesne ETEC 540.


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