Task #6 Emoji Story

I have to start by saying I loved this task, simply because I love texting with emoji’s only. I find it entertaining getting my friends to guess what I am really saying to them. I knew exactly what television show I was going to recap. I based my creation on the show because I enjoyed it so much.  Can you guess what it is? It was an amazing show. I started with the title because it was the easiest for me to create. It was only made up of three emojis and three words.  I sat for a bit to contemplate what emojis were available on my phone and how I was going to put them together to create the synopsis of the show. As I started to create, I found myself leaving out words, and not having a complete sentence created. I based my words on the emoji’s available on my phone. I created the task on my phone and then sent it to myself and screen shot the photo. Please enjoy and try to interpret what I was trying to tell you.



9 Thoughts.

  1. I have no idea what show you’re doing and I know that I won’t be satisfied till I know. But you can’t say it here for fear of spoilers! Gahh!! I’m doomed to be forever curious.

    • Hi Tyler, thanks for taking a look. It isn’t a very well known show. I just came across it last weekend and binged it.

  2. Hey Tyler,
    Is this Little Fires Everywhere?? I have only seen the first episode so I’m only 95% confident with my guess. Did you describe the first season?
    The emoji’s that helped me were how you described that the main characters liked and then I was able to look back at the title to confirm my prediction.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Hi Katlyn, thanks for taking a look. It may or may not be that show. I got pretty excited with the synopsis and just talked about the entire run (I think 7 episodes?) I am not sure season 2 will happen as this show was based on a book.

  3. Hi Tyler! I LOVED this show. I’m pretty sure I binge-watched this in just days! I love how you used mostly ideas and words to depict this show, versus syllables. I did something similar! Do you find when you are using emojis with your friends that because they know you they are better able to understand which emojis you associate with certain words or meanings?

  4. I see Little Fires in the world . . . which leads me to the title “Little Fires Everywhere.” I feel like this is a good guess as there is a house burning down and a diversity of race represented along with some angry people. Yes, I know you say it is a television show or series but I have just finished reading 2 of this Celeste Ng’s novels – “Little Fires Everywhere” and “Everything I Never Told You.” Hope you read the book, even if it is not your emoji story (but I am sure it is). And no, I am only reading the comments above now. I was excited when I made a connection or hyperlink like association to the burning house. Please confirm in a week or two the correct answer. And be sure to check out my emoji story????

  5. I have no idea what this is, but some of the guesses seem to match the emojis quite well! Go watch the Totes Emoji game on BCC’s Richard Osman’s House of Games if you enjoy this 😀 It’s on my blog this week, and it is the MOST fun for those who love using emojis for games.

    Thanks for sharing 😀

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