Task #11 Algorithms

This was another interesting task this week. I would think this would be a great activity that I could do in my class for story writing prompts in Language Arts.  In my own personal life this drives me crazy as my phone will automatically change words that I am trying to write to whatever it feels like and sometimes I am too excited to reread what I have texted before I hit send and then realize I have said something “stupid.”  My friends just know and expect that these texts from me are changed by my phone and they laugh.

For this task I took the intro sentences and tried them on my laptop to see what google would come up with.

  • Education is not about…
  • My idea of technology is…
  • Every time I think about our future…
  • As a society, we are…
  • This is not my idea of…

For the first one “education is not about”

nothing shocking popped up so that was ok, I then tried it again.

“my idea of technology is…

“every time I think about our future”

For the next one I tried it on my phone just to see what sort of “story” I could come up with.

“As a society, we are…”

Using the cell phone game me more options that would make a good story or statement. I can see using this for a story writing prompt with my students.  They would get a kick out of this and could come up with some really interesting statements.

For the last one I went back to google.  “This is not my idea of…”

I have come across algorithms on twitter and instagram all the time.  I think as humans we are looking for as many shortcuts as possible to save us time.  The time we are saving could change, and is changing the way we speak.  I have heard students say LOL instead of laughing out loud. I have heard them say TTYL at the end of the day to their friends.  These quick words and phrases have replaced actions and sayings that we as humans have always done. Technology is changing the way we speak as we look for and create shortcuts on language. I personally don’t think the sentences created sounded like me, however my friends who have received texts where I go so quickly and words have been changed might say they sound like something I would say. Going fast, having words change quickly without realization might impact politics, education, businesses as in those areas of life you have to be very clear on what you are trying to say.

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