Task #10 Attention Economy

Well this was another doozy for me. After reading about advertising throughout history and watching the clips I was pretty interested in this weeks topic.  For my BA in History I took a few classes about the history of pop culture and America where advertising played a big part. Then came time for this “optional” task. Well I clicked then clicked some more after about the tenth try I tried another browser thinking it could be the answer. When that didn’t work I sent a message to Ernesto where he quickly replied “oh its clickable” then I realized what I was in for. THIS WAS A PAIN. I could feel my chest getting tighter as pop ups kept bothering me, what was normal was now the reverse. It was AWFUL! I focused and felt like I was in a race as the time kept popping up distracting me from trying to fill this form out.  When I reflect back, I shouldn’t have felt pressured by the time because why was filling out a form considered a race? Anyway its over now, and I feel relaxed again. Good luck to everyone who tries this one out 🙂



2 Thoughts.

  1. Hi Tyler,
    I had the same physical reaction to playing this game. The clock gave me so much anxiety even though I knew it didn’t mean anything. I have viewed a few other posts, and I think my time is the slowest BY FAR. I had to endure the agony for 17 minutes. I attribute this to the fact that I’m not a “gamer” and nothing to do with my intelligence… ????

    • Hi Helen, thanks for commenting. I think of myself as a little gamer, however this was just confusing my brain and I was freaking out! lol

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