Assignment #1 Things in my Backpack

Hello my name is Tyler and I am a primary teacher.  The things in my backpack represent who I am at this stage in my life. My backpack is filled with many different items depending on the time of year.  What I put out for you to learn more about me are items I couldn’t live without and are usually always in my backpack.  My laptop for work, iPhone, my inhaler for asthma, Aleve for my body aches after I play curling, my curling gloves because if they are not kept in there I will lose them. I also have my bible, my notepad and felts. I also included my sunglasses, my headphones and of course Purell. I also have my wallet in my bag. The different forms of text I have I would say are my laptop which I can write in, my iPhone where I can search information quickly, my bible which I can read ancient texts, and of course my notebook which I can quickly write down things or draw pictures. I think what these texts say about me is that I am open to many forms of communication and language. I like to have a variety of ways to produce communication be that in a form of a picture that I have drawn, a letter I have written or something I have read. I think there isn’t anything private hidden in my bag, people who know me would know and wouldn’t be shocked by anything in my backpack. My bag would look a little different 15-25 years ago. I wouldn’t have my bible or my curling gloves or even my laptop.  My bag would include Star Trek comics or novels, a big red or black binder, and probably an old mushed up banana on the bottom or old dried up orange peels.  If an archeologist was examining my bag I believe they would think that we were in a time where technology filled our lives.  They might not even recognize what paper and pens are depending on how far into the future these archeologist are coming from. 

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