Linking Assignment
- I have selected Tyler G’s backpack from task one to link to my own experience. Here is the link to his post.
I selected his backpack because when I take a look at it I can compare it to mine by the simplicity of how it is laid out in the picture taken. It reminds me of how I laid my belongings out and it also looks a lot like the stuff that was inside my backpack. From the technology of laptop, headphones, chargers to the pencils. I really loved the fact that he included and pointed out that he didn’t have anything “private” in his bag, and was happy to show his hairbrush. I always get annoyed with other guys who have awesome hair while I struggle to keep the hairs on my head alive! (It’s okay). I connected with Tyler G’s bag post because he like myself has students work that he marks, I didn’t include any as I like to post their work on FreshGrade using my tablet and try to do the marking at school. I used to take it home but would always zone out as soon as I saw the couch. I really liked Tyler G’s post and site because it is simple, neat and organized unlike mine where I love using personal photographs as backgrounds. It always makes me feel like it’s hard to read or a distraction, but I still use them out of pure joy. When I saw his post and page, it made me want to rethink my design but then I just kept the same theme throughout the course. I also connected with Tyler’s post when he spoke about being born in 82 and that put him in an uncertain area of where he belongs. I too feel like that being born in 81.
- Valarie’s Potato Print-
For my second linking task I selected Valarie’s potato print. Right away when I saw her picture the primary teacher in me (its who I am) looked at it and realized wow this could be a great activity to do with the kids. The word she selected was Ghost and when its printed on the black looks amazing. Students would have a great time putting ghost on t-shirts or even just paper drawings, maybe a self-portrait. I connected with her post as a primary teacher and how I could incorporate that into my classroom. Her blog was also created using wordpress, like mine. I loved the fact that she got her son to assist her. That right there helped me visualize how students would be doing this task in class. I loved that her son selected t-shirt printing and the Halloween theme. I was also drawn to her clean posting and again made me think of how my blog could be cleaned up without the use of my own photos. I think Valarie’s experience was different from mine because she had the assistance from her son, which is a great target audience for stamp making like this. Valarie also practiced her print in sketch which was smart, unlike myself I just started cutting and realized how it wouldn’t work the way I had hoped well into the project. I know it was different by her post how she told her story about the project. This assignment overall was a fun and daunting task at the same time. I loved print making, never have done it since I was in primary school. I loved how Valarie did her’s and it stood out to me because I felt like she had given me the support on how to do this with little ones in my class.
- For my third linking task I selected Shaun’s Twine assignment.
I was drawn to Shaun’s task 5 about making stories with the use of the Twine because he reminded me of myself who was just starting to use the program and interested in how to incorporate it into his classroom in the future. This was my second attempt at a twine and like my first attempt there were the same challenges. Like sometimes it works and sometimes it didn’t. It was great in the end when the story was put together, but the process is hard when you don’t know what was working and what isn’t. I liked that his story was simple and easy to follow. He created a story about the lifeboat and what your decisions would be if you wanted to save people or not. I really was drawn to Shaun’s blog over the course as it was clean and neatly organized. It too was created by wordpress. I was beginning to see a theme with people’s blogs and how each-others were different and always seemed better than mine (lol). This task was another great example of using technology in a classroom and how you could get students to use this in class to showcase their learning.
- For my 4th linking assignment I have selected Abe’s task number six.
This linking assignment was Abe’s emoji story. This task was another fun task that I really had to think. I have sent emoji’s as “stories” to friends who would get the inside jokes. However, telling an entire premise about a movie or tv show was difficult and fun at the same time. There were so many emoji’s that I never knew I had in my phone before. Abe took a different approach than I did. This is where our blogs are different. For this task he just focused on the title of the movie and the plot while I went crazy and tried to explain every scene in the tv show I had selected. I love how Abe used the emoji’s to capture the movie he was trying to make us guess. It was perfect. Another thing that made Abe’s blog stand out from mine was the blog itself. I really liked how his headings were popped and the background was black. This was really an effective way of capturing an audience. I really enjoyed it as it was easy on the eyes. His blog was created using wordpress as well, however he used a really good theme. I know that his experience was different because he focused on the title and the plot as I had tried to rewrite the entire script into emoji’s.
- For my 5th linking task I have selected Brian’s task number eleven.
For this linking assignment I have selected Brian’s number eleven task. I selected this because of how different Brian’s blog was to mine. I really am appreciating the differences in everyone’s blogs and how everyone has a different style. I’ve linked Brian’s to mine because one can see the differences in both of ours. We both used wordpress to create our blogs. Mine is dark themed while Brian’s is white. I also liked how different Brian and my views were on task eleven. Brian used tweetgen website to help figure out the sentences while I used google to finish my sentences. I was drawn to this blog because I had never heard of tweetgen before and was really curious as to what it was all about. Brian included a short video of the task for visitors to watch, unlike mine I just posted a few pictures. Brian found this task to be a bit frustrating as he couldn’t guide the sentences the way he wanted to with the words being produced and guessed on. Unlike me, I found this task to be funny as it would just keep producing words that made no sense but you could form a sentence. I could see this being used in the younger grades as story starters to see how they could start the stories they were going to create in Language Arts class. I knew he had found this frustrating as he had stated in his blog post. I think it connects to my task eleven as I see it he found this task a bit frustrating while I full on found it great and possible use for it inside my own practice with primary students.
- For my sixth linking task I have chosen to link Jamie’s task twelve.
For task twelve Jamie created a “podcast” and a photo of paper that was well dated. She did an amazing job with this task. I was speechless. I asked her how she created this and was surprised how she managed to create such a great piece of evidence. I am linking this to my blog as I appreciate how different ours are. Jamie seemed to have no issues making assumptions about the future while at the same time I struggled with this task as assuming or guessing what the future holds isn’t something I can easily do. Her experience was completely different from my own, but from asking questions she stated that she had trouble predicting the future as well but just went for it. Me on the other hand just started rambling, which I tend to do. I really enjoyed how her opening statement was “go big or go home.” This told me she was really invested into this task. I found myself drawn to Jamie’s blog as it was easy on the eyes and well put together. I liked that Jamie’s blog reminded me of my own creation. The colour that she added to the top of the headings was great. I believe we both are using wordpress to create our blogs, wordpress was easy to navigate after getting the hang of it.