Task #2 Does Language Shape the Way We Think?

I forgot to post this! I wasn’t sure how to make a post about the Collab Ultra when it has our work in there 🙂

This was the first time in a long time that I had used this program. I found it a little challenging to get back into the groove of things in how to add comments and stop the video.  I watched  Lera Borditsky’s SAR lecture from May 2017 and figured out how to comment in the side on points made during the lecture. It was very interesting to hear views and then link to our readings what they were talking about. Languages I believe certainly shape the way we think. During this I kept thinking about the primary students and how they form sentences. It shows me that they are thinking but not forming proper sentences the way adults would in conversations. They are forming broken sentences or part of the sentence to get their thoughts across.


Task #1 My Backpack


Hello my name is Tyler and I am a primary teacher.  The things in my backpack represent who I am at this stage in my life. My backpack is filled with many different items depending on the time of year.  What I put out for you to learn more about me are items I couldn’t live without and are usually always in my backpack.  My laptop for work, iPhone, my inhaler for asthma, Aleve for my body aches after I play curling, my curling gloves because if they are not kept in there I will lose them. I also have my bible, my notepad and felts. I also included my sunglasses, my headphones and of course Purell. I also have my wallet in my bag. The different forms of text I have I would say are my laptop which I can write in, my iPhone where I can search information quickly, my bible which I can read ancient texts, and of course my notebook which I can quickly write down things or draw pictures. I think what these texts say about me is that I am open to many forms of communication and language. I like to have a variety of ways to produce communication be that in a form of a picture that I have drawn, a letter I have written or something I have read. I think there isn’t anything private hidden in my bag, people who know me would know and wouldn’t be shocked by anything in my backpack. My bag would look a little different 15-25 years ago. I wouldn’t have my bible or my curling gloves or even my laptop.  My bag would include Star Trek comics or novels, a big red or black binder, and probably an old mushed up banana on the bottom or old dried up orange peels.  If an archeologist was examining my bag I believe they would think that we were in a time where technology filled our lives.  They might not even recognize what paper and pens are depending on how far into the future these archeologist are coming from. 




Greetings everyone.  My name is Tyler and I teach grade 1/2 in Surrey.  This is my last class in the MET program and I am very excited to continue my journey with this class.  I recognize a few names and am excited to meet and work with everyone.

I was born and raised in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. After completing my BA in History and my BA in Education, I moved to Surrey to start teaching. I love to spend time with my three nieces and 1 nephew back on the island whenever I can get back there.  When I am not visiting the island or teaching I enjoy curling.  Watching, playing and teaching curling.  I also love dogs, (Oliver and Lucy in picture below) anything to do with outer space, and travelling.

Throughout my journey in this program I have found myself the solo primary teacher in many classes. When I first started I thought this was going to be very difficult but along the way I have learned so much great information and tools to use in my practice.


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