Assignment #0.1

Flight Path

Create your ePortfolio . On the page named “Flight Path”:

  1. Formulate your learning goals for this course: outline which skills you plan to develop and improve working with different Learning Management Systems (LMS), platforms and learning design tools;
  2. Describe your experiences of working with the instructional technologies/tools in your professional or academic contexts.
  3. Publish your “Flight Path” – Assignment #0.1 on your ePortfolio site.
  4. Submit your assignment using the Assignments Dropbox (BbConnect). In your submission message include the URL, where your Flight Path is published on the ePortfolio.  No file attachments are accepted. Maximum 1000 words (online word count tool).

The instructor will be using the following criteria in assessing your assignment:

  1. Whether the ePortfolio site is created using the UBC hosted Word Press platform;
  2. Whether the ePortfolio structure follows the suggested set of pages, reflecting the ETEC 565a sec B activities;
  3. Whether the chosen template for ePortfolio presents the material in a coherent way and is easy to navigate through;
  4. Whether the ePortfolio settings make it accessible to peers;
  5. How appealing the overall look of the site is is, and whether the graphic elements are embedded appropriately (links and digital elements are active and working).