Unit 3 Activities

– Designing online activities, instructional communication and assessment

Using the tools of your primary LMS or a specialized platform design one unit of a course prototype. Formulate the unit’s learning objectives. The instructional unit should include the following elements: learning activities, communication and assessment. Designing these learning activities, explore the affordances and limitations of your platform or LMS, and describe its functionality in achieving the unit’s objectives via the designed activities. Make sure your project is accessible: provide the URL, guidelines and a visitor login if necessary.

Suggested tools:
Edmodo (www.edmodo.com),
Piazza (https://piazza.com/),

Quizlet (quizlet.com ),
Quizworks Online Quiz Creator (www.onlinequizcreator.com )

Publish URL of your project in the Weeks 8 – 9 discussion (BbConnect).


– Submit the Assignment #2 – Introductory Module of a course prototype

Revisit the assignments#2 guidelines and the Units 1 and 2 material for developing learning objectives, course structure, and the tips for designing effective navigation and embedding digital graphic, media and online tools. For submission use the Assignment Dropbox link on the side bar of BbConnect site. In your submission message include the URL of your project, the URL of your Project Documentation and for the group projects – peer evaluation.


– Write a reflective summary and add it to your ePortfolio home page

Summarize your experiences of the Unit 3 activities and Assignment#2, add these notes to  your ePortfolio home page (with this you contribute to the Assignment #4).