Unit 4 Discussion

Social media & collaborative writing

Whether or not we should use Social Media in education is still an open debate. David Kirkpatrick (2010) in The Facebook Effect discusses the  new conditions of individual privacy, users’ data aggregation for commercial purposes,  and “engagement ad” – ubiquitous targeted advertising. November & Mull (2012) discuss some consequences of using Twitter as educational tool. Tony Bates (2014) in the chapter on Social Media outlines SECTIONS – an analytical model for guiding our thinking about the ways Social Media can be used in teaching.

  1. What learning objectives the use of Social Media (SM) in education may help to achieve?
  2. How does  implementation of a particular SM impact (or may impact if implemented) your teaching?
  3. If you select SM as an instruction tool, what criteria inform your choice?

Contribute to the Week 10 discussion (BbConnect).