
The WordPress + BbConnect version of the ETEC 565a is developed basing on a similar version of this course, in which only BbConnect platform is used. The initial course material is restructured here with the following objectives:

(1) to focus the course activities on creating several digital educational projects, openly sharing the design solutions with the classmates and colleagues, while using the password protected spaces for the course discussions and course projects;

(2) to organize an online collaborative environment for designing digital learning objects, using an open assignment format.

This version of the course offers an instructional design solution for implementing a learner-centred approach. The course content and practical learning activities are structured here as a collaborative process with a number of discussions, design projects, and peer feedbacks. Thus, your individual experiences, professional observations, formulations of practical problems, and design solutions contribute to the course’s context, addressing the range of tasks and practical problems, that are relevant to your professional and learning interests and facilitating deeper understanding of the ETEC 565a focal points:

  • affordances and limitations of the platforms used in educational design;
  • different agendas in the organizations developing educational materials, that affect the choice of instructional design;
  • a range of solutions in online instructional design;  and
  • optimal strategies for online collaboration and teem work in designing digital educational objects.



Please, share you feedback about your experience with the course using evaluation survey – the final discussion (BbConnect)