Unit 5 Discussions

Authorship rights, Copyright and Creative commons licensing

1. What type of authorship license would you choose for your course prototype project (Assignments #2 and #3)?

2. When you work on a collaborative project, how do you organize the negotiation procedure and collectively decide what type of license to use?

3. How much the discussion of copyright and Internet freedom impacts your teaching and learning?

Post your responses on the Week 12 discussion (BbConnect).

Technology-dependent education: trends and future development

In his critique of technological solutionism Evgeny Morozov (Chapter 6), distinguishes between the restrictive technological design solutions (reinforcing the practices of domination) and those which offer a broader range of choices (reinforcing the practices of freedom).

1. What are some examples of the restrictive and the choice-broadening instructional design solutions that you have encountered when working with educational technologies?

2. Does educational technology boost or rather hinder your creativity?


Educational analysts (Bates: Chapter 7Watters: Hacked Education) demonstrate that MOOCs development is both a promising movement towards democratizing education and a critically unsustainable technological fad played by the Ivy League universities. They argue, for instance, that having a unified MOOC platform makes different courses look the same, to the detriment of learning experience.

3. What do you think about the perspectives of MOOCs in your organization/ educational institution?

Contribute to the Weeks 13-14 discussion (BbConnect).