Category: Module 2

Diabetes DVD Learning Platform

dvd As both Anju’s neighbour and a teacher, I eventually advised her that creating a DVD as a learning platform sounded like a good idea given her context. As my opinion could contain biases, I suggested we utilize the UBC

LMS Proposal

lms evaluation Dear District Technology Coordinator, As you are aware, the Anglophone South School District announced earlier this year that they were adopting Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and that this was to be the focus for all Professional Learning

Delivery Platform Evaluation Rubric

In your discussion group, develop a evaluation rubric for selecting an online delivery platform, either for K-12, community or higher education (your group will be assigned a scenario for one of these educational sectors).

Case Study: Pro-D

Scenario Lenora is a grade 4 teacher at the Eliza Archie Memorial School, located on the Tsq’escenemc Canim Lake Band reserve. Last year she attended an anti-bullying professional development (pro-d) workshop offered by SD 83 (North Okanagan). There was a

Case Study: Moodle vs WebCT/Vista

Benoît is a sessional instructor in the English department of a large, research-intensive university. Previously he has used WebCT to disseminate lecture notes and readings for his face-to-face Business Writing course. His department head has approached him about offering an


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