Category: Reflections

Ah Ha’s

Through recent discussion in the secure course forum and the process of completing two assignments, I’ve had separate but related ‘ah ha’ moments.  My new goal is to keep these in the front of my conscious mind with the hope

Image Credits

I’ve been using Flickr Creative Commons images within posts and pages on my eportfolio using their HTML embed code which links back to the original image.   However, after a recent post on the course site, I decided to go

Course and Impact on Professional Life: Example One

This week I shared the Bates and Poole’s SECTIONS reading and the UBC ToolKit document based on SECTIONS with several decision makers and colleagues in my district.  I was glad to hear that they see value in using such a

Making Changes Already

Took time to visit other ePortfolios starting to be added to course site and like the way a few had organized their navigation entries so I incorporated some of those ideas into my own.  I imagine this is the first

Creating the ePortfolio

I enjoyed the process of creating an ePortoflio specifically for this course.  After my second course, I began the task of putting together an eportfolio for my experiences within the program using WordPress.  That definitely helped with the though process behind planning


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