Category: Responses

Case Study | Music Video

Task Dafna teaches Fine Arts in a Vancouver Board of Education (VBE) alternative high school program. Students there have, for various reasons, struggled in mainstream high school programmes. At her “school” a flexible structure, condensed (4 hour) day, and interdisciplinary

Moodle Course Site

Task A Moodle online course site with the following components: Overall quality of work, as per the overall standards listed above. A significant component of your score on this assignment relates to the calibre of your web design (including level sophistication,

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Digital Story

Reflection My educational digital story is intended for use by an educator in the classroom with students in Grades 2 or 3.  It is a digital story, not a lesson or lecture, although it is meant to be used within

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Parental Advisory – Blog May Contain Learning

Scenario Summary Noelene has her high school students blogging Uses LiveJournal Has set out purpose, procedure, assessment Students appear to enjoy activity and writing is improving Problem 2 parents are concerned that its public strangers have commented on student’s ‘personal’

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Let’s Wiki

Task Develop a first draft of an activity in which you would use either a synchronous or asynchronous tool (or combination of both) to support student interaction in your Moodle site.  Provide a short description of the activity and your

Musing on Museology

Case Study Trinh is an associate professor in museum studies at a comprehensive university. She has delivered an innovative introductory online course on museology; in fact, students enrolled at universities in New Zealand, South Africa, and Finland all take her

Online Learning Environments and Interactive Technologies

To what extent have you experienced on-line or mixed-mode courses that achieved this kind of learning environment? I thought, I would use a type of infographic using the on-line service ThingLink to illustrate examples of how I have experienced the kind of on-line learning

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Diabetes DVD Learning Platform

dvd As both Anju’s neighbour and a teacher, I eventually advised her that creating a DVD as a learning platform sounded like a good idea given her context. As my opinion could contain biases, I suggested we utilize the UBC

Delivery Platform Evaluation Rubric

In your discussion group, develop a evaluation rubric for selecting an online delivery platform, either for K-12, community or higher education (your group will be assigned a scenario for one of these educational sectors).

Case Study: Pro-D

Scenario Lenora is a grade 4 teacher at the Eliza Archie Memorial School, located on the Tsq’escenemc Canim Lake Band reserve. Last year she attended an anti-bullying professional development (pro-d) workshop offered by SD 83 (North Okanagan). There was a


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