Moodle Mischief! :)

Hello Everyone,

I don’t know about others, but I am experiencing some difficulties while creating my Moodle LMS.  Don’t get me wrong, I am figuring things out, and have added different activities and resources, but the loading can be problematic.  It seems as though when I save a new item, Moodle has to think long and hard before bringing me back to the main page. Often I will back arrow my page and save it again, as this seems to quicken the process.  This might just be an issue with my laptop, but I seem to remember Moodle behaving this way last time I used it as an editor.

Regardless, I am enjoying this creative work, and I hope I am on the right track.  Check out my Moodle LMS if you are interested.  (shawkinsbogle).

Also, I am finding that this course is changing my view of how to create a LMS.  I initially began uploading files to the Moodle platform, and then realized that this will create issues of downloading for some folks.  Having your information hosted on its own website is a much more efficient and cleaner way to go.  I think John recommended something to this effect along the way.



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4 Responses to Moodle Mischief! :)

  1. bcourey says:

    Great start Stephen! You have made major advancements here! To view your site, I had to become a member of your course – now I am not sure how to unenrol! Not that I want to, but as you can see, I have so much to learn about Moodle yet!

  2. John P Egan says:

    I did sort of say that. Probably lots. Probably to an extent that’s annoying. 🙂

    Moodle slows down a lot–and moreso when there’s lots of people doing design work at the same time. Weekends on our server, therefore, are sloooow. Ditto some evenings.

    Just the way it is, I’m afraid!

    • I can live with some slow downs on Moodle from time to time. I have quickly become a member of the instant information club, and I think it’s wise for me to slow down! Considering Moodle is free, I can live with this small inconvenience.


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