Flight Path

It sure helps to know what your aiming at!

My Flight Path

Without knowing a lot of detail surrounding how the topics of this course will be presented, I still have a good idea of what I would like to learn about. Following is a list with reflections to appease my not so linear mind.

Web Publication

With the exception of blogs, wikis, and Google Pages, I have little experience with web publication. I have used Apple’s IWeb, and Microsoft’s Publisher, but I have never actually published a creation from these tools. I don’t find basic web sites all that useful, but prefer more interactive sites like blogs and wikis. I would like to learn about Flash files and other dynamic tools that can be embedded in sites.  I would also like to learn more about the “real estate” of owning internet space, and what options there are in this area.


I have a fair bit of experience with Moodle as I used it as a course management system for an online version of math 8 that I taught. The course was already developed for me, so I did not explore its capabilities in great depth. I was also on the development team in an earlier MET course where we collaborated on the design of a Moodle learning unit. I have some knowledge of editing, and copying over information, but I would like to learn more about how to embed multimedia.

Online Communication Systems

If we are to provide our students with ongoing, descriptive feedback, we need online tools that allow for easy communication. I find that both asynchronous and synchronous systems have their advantages depending on the context. I am particularly interested in synchronous and collaborative software like Google Docs for their immediacy in providing students with feedback.

Community and Collaboration Tools

This topic is of great interest to me for professional development and for teaching. I have used collaboration tools like Google Docs, wikis, and blogs, and find them to be an easy and effective way to have kids and adults come together to share their ideas. I would like to learn what other tools might be available, and how these tools can support the development of a Community of Practice (COP).


I believe that multimedia is important when developing a technology enhanced learning environment because it helps to differentiate instruction and it provides for motivation. Students learn in different ways, and some find some media more meaningful than others. I have effectively used video, audio, text, animations and graphics, and I would like to explore to a greater depth how these technologies can be effectively embedded in a learning environment. I would also like to learn more about how students can effectively use multi-media to present their own knowledge of concepts.

Social Media

Social media is an important part of our children’s culture, and I would like to find more methods to use it effectively with instruction. Currently, I use social media as a conversation piece regarding digital citizenship, and as a tool for students to provide each other with feedback. I am considering how to best use facebook, twitter, and others effectively in the classroom, but I am also cautious and a bit nervous. Social media is what I am most interested in learning about in this course.

This flight path outlines specific goals of technology use that I would like to explore. An integral component of my educational technology philosophy is how it can be blended with instruction based on Assessment for Learning (AFL).  AFL, or formative assessment, is an important methodology that has been proven to not only increase the standard of student work, but dramatically increase a student’s rate of learning (Black & Wiliam, 1998). Many technologies offer unique tools for providing students with timely feedback, and this is in my view, the most important feature of technology in education.


Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment [Electronic version]. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2). 139-44.

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