First Flight

Out for a jog just before I got married - July 10, 2010! 🙂


I’ve deemed this my first flight, but this is merely my first blog reflection as I enter the journey of ETEC 565. I am filled with a lot of positive excitement in regards to this journey, and this is not just because it’s my 9th MET course!  Woot Woot!  All kidding aside, this program has introduced me to many technologies, but more importantly, it is supporting my quest to find out what is GOOD use of technology in education.

This course in particular interests me because we get to dabble with so many technologies, and explore relevant topics like social media in education. I am looking forward to the end of this program; not because it will be over, but rather so I can explore and hone my craft of teaching with technology. I use technology a fair bit, but I need more time to focus on the things that I am finding useful and relevant to kids.  A big part of my journey is to find creative ways to implement Assessment for Learning (AFL) with technology enhanced learning environments.

Let the journey begin!

Stephen 🙂

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3 Responses to First Flight

  1. Janette says:

    I’m with you Stephen on AFL. My first e-learning design project was assessments on Moodle.
    Nervous on the day of the wedding, huh?

  2. I was quite nervous – the run right before the vows helped ground me! 😉
    I always have thought that there is not real magic recipe with teaching, and that you need to make it work with your philosophy and current research on how people learn. I still believe this, but AFL provides structure to a wealth of constructivist based teaching methods. Whenever I plan, edit, or revise a lesson, I use AFL as the guiding foundation. It keeps my planning really focussed on the needs of the learner.


  3. John Egan says:

    Welcome aboard! 🙂

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