Moodle Communication

Moodle Collaborative Tools 


I have set up three different social collaboration tools to be used in my Moodle LMS.  My LMS is a geometry unit for grade 5/6, and it is intended to be used in a blended learning environment that includes either f2f or synchronous instruction via an online classroom (e.g., Blackboard Collaborate).  I have selected two asynchronous tools including a glossary, and a Q & A discussion forum, and synchronous chat.

The purpose of the glossary is for students to post their understanding about terms as they discover them through the learning units.  This will provide a unique explanation of terminology that might differ from standard “dictionary” definition. The idea is that the instructor would monitor the posts and edit as necessary to ensure correct meaning. Students have a their own way of explaining concepts, and it is often in jargon that their peers understand.

There is a Q & A discussion forum for each of the two existing learning units in the Moodle LMS.  The purpose of these forums is for students to share their understanding of a concept, and to seek clarification. The instructions for participation haven’t been articulated yet, but I will provide expectations for quality and frequency of posts. There is also a chat for each learning unit, but I have not decided how, or if, this chat will be used. My thought is that it could provide a level of synchronous discussion, but if this is already occurring in a f2f or digital classroom, the chat might not be needed.

When I post instructions regarding how to contribute to the forums and glossary, I will also include how the students will be evaluated for their contributions.  I believe it is important that students understand the criteria for success.  My thoughts are that the teacher would track who is commenting and when, but another idea is to have students reflect on their online communication through a reflective journal. This would empower the students to think about how they engage in a social learning environment and it would increase the teacher’s efficiency of assessing each student’s participation.

Please know that my Moodle LMS is a work and progress and I have ideas suggested above that need to be put in to my design.  I also have one more learning unit to add to the Moodle LMS.  Check it out if you want and offer any feedback you like.



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