Task 12

Task 12

Describe or narrate a scenario about a candy found a millennium into a future in which “progress” has continued. Your description should address issues related to artificial intelligence and elicit feelings of anxiety.

In the year 3023, earth has become a wasteland. Humans live in pods, protected from the elements outside. Temperatures are extreme and the air is toxic. Within the last millennium deforestation continued, fossils fuels continued to be burned, the oceans were overfished, and habitats of animals were destroyed. Governments were too late to implement laws against the negative impacts humans have made to the planet.

With the downfall of our environment, technology continued to advance. Artificial intelligence has got to the point where it is in the shape of a small piece of candy consumed by almost every human still alive on the planet. Being stuck inside their pods everyday, the artificial intelligence provided humans with all the social, informational, and entertainment needs. Without the need to think and learn information, human’s overreliance on artificial intelligence started to deteriorate the brain both in its functions and its size. Once the candy is digested, the effects of artificial intelligence wore off. Most humans immediately take another one to function normally. It has got to the point where these AI candies were consumed to think and function on behalf of the human. Without the need to think or to make decisions, humans functioning without the AI candy were zombielike. The AI candies provide humans with entertainment inside of their brains as well. Whatever visual media the human prefers can be played inside of their brain and consumed instantly. The AI candies are filled with nutrients a human needs to survive. This makes the additional consumption of food unnecessary.

The multi-trillion corporations responsible for this technology are ungoverned as they control all the politicians with their AI candies. The world continues to crumble but time seems to be at a standstill as everyone is living within their own heads and waiting for the world to implode.