English 301 Application letter


May 30, 2022

Class of English 301

University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC    V6T 1Z4


Dear Class of English 301,



My name is Ethan Fung, and I am an undergraduate science student at UBC undergoing a combined honours in biochemistry and chemistry degree. I write this letter of application to join a team of writers in English 301.


My professional interests lie in the field of pharmaceutical organic chemistry. To gain experience in the field I have participated in two research labs and one research competition. Currently, I hold the NSERC USRA research award and work as a research assistant in the chemistry lab of David Perrin. In the lab, I help synthesize candidate peptides for cancer therapy. In addition, I was a work learn student in the Calvin Yip biochemistry lab throughout the winter term of 2021 and during the winter term of 2020, I participated in the Indicium research competition where my team won first place. Throughout my experience in research, I have written many reports, papers, and proposals. This allowed me to pick up writing/editing skills that can help my English 301 writing team during this semester.


Outside of academia I work as a private basketball trainer and have volunteered at many athletic events as a scorekeeper or referee. Athletics and academia have allowed me to hone skills such as leadership, punctuality, accountability, and grit. All these skills can prove advantageous in a team setting. In terms of writing, I excel in organization, brainstorming, and editing. However, sometimes I lack the ability to communicate my thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Another one of my weaknesses is that I can get distracted easily at times.


I believe learning happens most effectively from experience. Mistakes are always a part of the learning process and I embrace them. Whenever I make a mistake, I immediately try to learn from it. This ingrains the lesson that I learned into my head, so I don’t make the same mistake twice. Since this is my learning philosophy, I will always strive to provide constructive criticism during peer review whenever I see a mistake. I wish to find a writing group that complements both my strengths and my weaknesses so that we can grow as a team.  Please message or email me if you think that we would make a good team.




Ethan Fung

Student of English 301


Email: ethanfung5080@gmail.com

English 301 Ethan Fung Application letter

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