Reflection blog unit 2


This unit was very interesting to say the least. LinkedIn was a platform that I have heard about but never really used or explored. It was satisfying to learn that there are plenty of online tools that can be used to build professional connections. Even though a LinkedIn profile was not made in the assignment, I will be creating one soon. Aside from the LinkedIn assignment, coming up with a new idea to write a research report on was exciting. Being a science student I have written quite a few research proposals however, they were mainly evaluated on the content of the report rather than the format. Now armed with knowledge on how to properly format different types of documents (reports, emails, memos, proposals, etc.) I will now be able to craft even better pieces of professional writing. 

My research report topic of installing air conditioning in the UBC chemistry building has been a topic of discussion among chemistry students for many years. In fact, I received inspiration for the idea from one of the Ph.D. students working in my lab. Originally the topic for this research report was going to be a whole remodeling of the chemistry building. However, that would have been too intensive and would have taken too much time. Instead, I narrowed my focus to just the temperature control problem in the chemistry building. Once I had my topic, writing the research proposal and outline came naturally. Overall, the experience was enjoyable and I am excited to tackle a problem relevant to my work. 

For this round of peer reviews, I reviewed Peter who wrote a research report proposal suggesting that UBC should return to online/hybrid classes. The proposal was difficult to read and had a large number of errors. In order to convey that in a non-attacking but firm manner, I removed any and all pronouns from the peer review. Doing this was tricky however in the end I was able to deliver my peer review in a professional fashion. This was also a good experience as not every piece of writing is happy and upbeat.

From Danae’s review of my work, I have learned to read instructions a little more carefully. Her review was very clear and direct which allowed for a quick and easy revision. Overall this unit has allowed me to build up my writing confidence even further and I am excited to continue to the next unit. 

Revised research report proposal:

Revised formal report proposal EF

Danae’s peer review:

DE Peer Review – Ethan’s Formal Report Proposal

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