Leon Zhou's Blog

Arc and social enterprise could help more individuals

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United Nations is an organization that positively engages in easing international relation, solving area conflicts, and coordinating international economies in order to boost cooperation and communication in economies, sciences and cultures around the world. On the other hand, Arc is an organization, as it said, which all members are passionate about sharing knowledge and connecting to global communities; social enterprise is dedicated to bring social changes, and improve society. We definitely need smaller size organizations to help out with building connection and societies. Even though UN is the most influential…read more


Canada and China signed currency deal

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There is a trend that the cooperation between Canada and China is more frequent. With the deal in currency, the bilateral relation is even closer. Since last year, Canadian Immigration Department started to extend the short-term tourist Visa. Now qualified Chinese applicants can obtained Visa for 10 years rather than one year before. Extended stay period could boost tourism inside Canada. Recently, Canada and China signed a deal for currency trade, which is supposed to increase import and export for both side. By signing this deal, the trade between Canada…read more


Fake online reviews could lead to a mess market

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Online store is now one of the major methods for people to shop because of its convenience. However, compares to a retailer, when people shop online, they don’t really know what their best choices are because pictures and descriptions can only partially characterize a product. Thus, online reviews somehow become one of the vital factors that lead costumers choose what they are going to buy. Positive comments can possibly bring up the sales. Unfortunately, it aroused a problem where fake online comments and reviews started to spread out. Although comments…read more


Scotiabank cutting 1000 Canadian jobs

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Years ago, when someone wants a bank account, he needed to go through lots of procedures. Nowadays, basic bank account can be obtained through an online application, without help from a teller. Deposit, withdrawal, transfer can be easily done through ATM and online banking. Although technology brings convenience and efficiency, increasing unemployment comes along. ATMs are more efficient compare to tellers when people just need to deposit or withdraw. And online banking can fulfill most customers’ needs. It is reasonable for the bank to build more ATMs and develop online…read more


Who Should pay for Insurance?

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Compares to where I come from, a doctor appointment is much more expensive, and less affordable. Hence, health insurance became one of the necessities for ever single family. Health insurance is one of the essential benefits in big companies. However, in small companies, sometimes, it’s not provided. Firstly, small companies with less than 50 employees are not required to cover insurance, probably because small firms don’t make considerable profit to provide benefits. Secondly, in small business, employees flow more frequently and owners may think insurance would be unnecessary for short…read more


First Nation Business

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First Nation people were the original people of this land. And from the history, it is not difficult to find that the First Nations was treated unequally. Essentially, it is about people who took over the land and occupied it. The Indian Act of 1876, has entirely separated First Nation people out of the Canadian community. However, as it mentioned in the article, it is kind of two sides relationship. One side, they’re treated unfairly, for example, loosing their land, putting their kids into residential schools, and losing their cultural,…read more


Comment on MARÍA’s Return Policies: A nightmare or a way to attract more customers?

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  In MARÍA’s article, return and refund become a vast expense of the company. For instance, some of the customers who return stuffs regularly, were just trying them but not willing to buy. It happened most in online shopping, where customers can’t try before they get the clothes. Nonetheless, would like to try them first and then decided whether to buy or not. However, most of the companies still have a generous policy of returning is mainly because this kind of customer service could help them build a stronger customers…read more


Comment on external blog: Windows 10 is on its way

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    Looks like Microsoft has its new system Windows 10 on its way. It has been two years since Microsoft launched the Windows 8. However, there were lots of negative comment online about the Windows 8, like the start menu and how Microsoft brought the window’s phone’s UI to desktop. According to CNET, the average rating of windows 8 is only 2 stars which is half of the Windows 7. User BrokenMoon said in CNET. ” Seems like a bunch of engineers just started coding without talking to anyone.”…read more


Would 7-Eleven’s convenient and healthy double pleasure work?

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7-Eleven, the world’s leading convenience store, starts to offer better-for-you products in their food menu. The food is created by the fitness guru Tony Horton Kitchen, with precise calories, protein and dietary fiber. The price for sandwich and warps is between $4.75 to $6.50, and juice is $4.99. The sale of fresh products increased 30% over the previous year, which indicates that the demand of the fresh food tends to rise. 7-Eleven is trying to catch the unique opportunity of being the pioneer in the convenience and health food industry. Although new products the…read more


Unregulated Underground Water in B.C

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    B.C doesn’t regulate its underground water resource, which turns out that the largest bottled water company, Nestle, uses one of the cleanest and purest water in the world to produce its bottled water for free. Although the company does pay for water use in Wellington County, Ontario, under the Ontario regulation, it causes a slight negative influence in the production area and public. Nestle, as the largest bottled water company in the world, the amount of water it uses for production is obviously huge. However, while using the…read more


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