Leon Zhou's Blog

First Nation Business

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First Nation people were the original people of this land. And from the history, it is not difficult to find that the First Nations was treated unequally. Essentially, it is about people who took over the land and occupied it. The Indian Act of 1876, has entirely separated First Nation people out of the Canadian community. However, as it mentioned in the article, it is kind of two sides relationship. One side, they’re treated unfairly, for example, loosing their land, putting their kids into residential schools, and losing their cultural,…read more


Comment on MARÍA’s Return Policies: A nightmare or a way to attract more customers?

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  In MARÍA’s article, return and refund become a vast expense of the company. For instance, some of the customers who return stuffs regularly, were just trying them but not willing to buy. It happened most in online shopping, where customers can’t try before they get the clothes. Nonetheless, would like to try them first and then decided whether to buy or not. However, most of the companies still have a generous policy of returning is mainly because this kind of customer service could help them build a stronger customers…read more


Comment on external blog: Windows 10 is on its way

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    Looks like Microsoft has its new system Windows 10 on its way. It has been two years since Microsoft launched the Windows 8. However, there were lots of negative comment online about the Windows 8, like the start menu and how Microsoft brought the window’s phone’s UI to desktop. According to CNET, the average rating of windows 8 is only 2 stars which is half of the Windows 7. User BrokenMoon said in CNET. ” Seems like a bunch of engineers just started coding without talking to anyone.”…read more


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