Comment on MARÍA’s Return Policies: A nightmare or a way to attract more customers?

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In MARÍA’s article, return and refund become a vast expense of the company. For instance, some of the customers who return stuffs regularly, were just trying them but not willing to buy. It happened most in online shopping, where customers can’t try before they get the clothes. Nonetheless, would like to try them first and then decided whether to buy or not. However, most of the companies still have a generous policy of returning is mainly because this kind of customer service could help them build a stronger customers relationship, and brand royalty.

I strongly agree with MARÍA’s opinion. There happened when I was looking for a smart wrist band. I went to Futureshop and I didn’t know which size would fit me best. So I picked the one which appeared to be the right size. However, it wasn’t. And I returned the band and tried the other size. None of the sizes fitted. At last, I had to return it twice. Each time I went back, there was no problem of returning. And after that, whenever I need to buy electronic devices, I think about Futureshop first, because they have such good customer service and that eliminated my concern about the devices, especially when Futureshop and Bestbuy have price-match. It turns out that what really brings customers to different stores is the customer royalty created by customer service like return policy.

Work Cited

“María Angélica Medina.” Mara Anglica Medina. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2014. <>.

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