Comment on external blog: Windows 10 is on its way

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Looks like Microsoft has its new system Windows 10 on its way. It has been two years since Microsoft launched the Windows 8. However, there were lots of negative comment online about the Windows 8, like the start menu and how Microsoft brought the window’s phone’s UI to desktop. According to CNET, the average rating of windows 8 is only 2 stars which is half of the Windows 7. User BrokenMoon said in CNET. ” Seems like a bunch of engineers just started coding without talking to anyone.” His comment shows that in Windows 8, Microsoft didn’t bring what customers want but what they believe to be the best. However, with all the complaints, Microsoft starts to design its Windows 10 in a different approach. In the windows 8 preview version, the system was pretty much done when Microsoft released it to customer, at least it could work. In Windows 10’s preview, Microsoft opened a program called the Windows Insider Program, which is basically gathering feedbacks from PX experts and IT Pros, since these are the group of people who they suggested to instal the preview version. It is understandable about the suggestion but it isolated the group of people who are not PC experts and want to try and provide feedbacks to Microsoft, especially in this situation where the Vice-President of the Windows Team said that the next Windows system will come from your feedbacks. The program which was supposed to build the customer relationship actually creates an invisible gap between them.

Furthermore, new features showed his blog weren’t attractive enough to catch people’s eyes. For example, the Start menu was basically going back to the old version which people liked, and other features like snap enhancements, task view buttons, and multiple desktop were already existed in Mac OS.

Considering that Windows updates are always so expensive, it would be hard for Microsoft to get more attention.

Work Cited

External Blog Link

“Announcing Windows 10.” Blogging Windows. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2014. <>.

“Microsoft Windows 7 review – CNET.” CNET. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2014. <>.

“Windows 8 review – CNET.” CNET. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2014. <>.

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