Arc and social enterprise could help more individuals

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United Nations is an organization that positively engages in easing international relation, solving area conflicts, and coordinating international economies in order to boost cooperation and communication in economies, sciences and cultures around the world. On the other hand, Arc is an organization, as it said, which all members are passionate about sharing knowledge and connecting to global communities; social enterprise is dedicated to bring social changes, and improve society.

We definitely need smaller size organizations to help out with building connection and societies. Even though UN is the most influential intergovernmental organization, the reality is that UN can’t help every single one who is in need, because it is dealing thing that’s in a big picture. However, smaller organizations like Arc or social enterprise can help more individually. For instance, the micro loan that social enterprise came up with, is something UN may not be able to do since the area would be worldwide. While making connections between different communities, Arc also provides young students, especially Sauder students and alumnus, opportunities to learn and practice their skills, which would be difficult to achieve in a big environment like UN. Thus, the existence of social enterprise and Arc doesn’t conflict with UN. They have different target with the ultimate goal of improving the society.

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