Unregulated Underground Water in B.C

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B.C doesn’t regulate its underground water resource, which turns out that the largest bottled water company, Nestle, uses one of the cleanest and purest water in the world to produce its bottled water for free. Although the company does pay for water use in Wellington County, Ontario, under the Ontario regulation, it causes a slight negative influence in the production area and public.

Nestle, as the largest bottled water company in the world, the amount of water it uses for production is obviously huge. However, while using the natural resource for free, Nestle should build its own public relationship by benefiting the society where it takes the resource from. As the article mentions in the first place, “The price of a litre of bottled water in B.C. is often higher than a litre of gasoline,” which indicates that Nestle could earn a lot of profit , especially when there is no cost for the resource. Nestle does be a positive social influence, a large employer in Hope. But, it could be a more positive influence, like the point mentioned in the article, to “be a public trust.” Consider that Nestle is not a water producer, it should play a role of natural water carrier. By setting the reasonable and acceptable price, Nestle could build its image as a public trusted bottled water company.

Work Cited

“‘Wild West’ of groundwater: Billion-dollar Nestlé extracting B.C.’s drinking water for free” Dan Fumano / The Province August 14, 2013 07:39 AM <http://www.timescolonist.com/news/local/wild-west-of-groundwater-billion-dollar-nestl%C3%A9-extracting-b-c-s-drinking-water-for-free-1.587568#sthash.SAr2bm8y.dpu>