Fake online reviews could lead to a mess market

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Online store is now one of the major methods for people to shop because of its convenience. However, compares to a retailer, when people shop online, they don’t really know what their best choices are because pictures and descriptions can only partially characterize a product. Thus, online reviews somehow become one of the vital factors that lead costumers choose what they are going to buy. Positive comments can possibly bring up the sales. Unfortunately, it aroused a problem where fake online comments and reviews started to spread out. Although comments and reviews are supposed to reflect personal experience of the product, some companies manipulate their own systems and show only good reviews, hide negative ones, and even make fake reviews to customers, which create an unfair market. Even though the fake reviews bring temporary clients, the result is obvious that those companies cannot keep their customers and build brand loyalty, after customers try the product on their own. I strongly believe that companies should not betray their ethic by doing this. Right now, the issue is making compliments. But when is harms those companies who don’t make fake comments, the online market will be a mess of fake reviews, not only positive review, but also negative reviews for other companies.


Work Cited

Picture: http://mgeonline.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Online-Reviews.png

Article Link: http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/fake-online-reviews-4-ways-companies-can-deceive-you-1.2825080