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Archive for October, 2010

Don’t Fall through the Gap, GAP!

I was reading Simon McEvoy’s marketing blog relating to Gap’s recent embarrassing blunder when Gap’s attempted re-branding of its logo was met with strong criticism and disapproval from Gap’s customers . For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about…earlier this month, Gap changed its logo on its website from the identifiable white letters in […]

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Who Satisfied all my Needs? VIA Rail Did!

I’m not going to lie…but I’ve been eager to write several blogs in the last week on a few interesting marketing topics but I haven’t because of several reasons: (i) I’ve been really sick with the flu; and (ii) even with the flu, I’ve been studying for 2 mid-terms, but since completing the marketing mid-term just less than a […]

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San Francisco!! Postpurchase Behaviour

Having come back from San Francisco and flown with Alaska Airlines, I can now blog on my postpurchase experience of the airline’s service. I was thoroughly impressed by Alaska Airlines – they really did satisfy my needs and wants. Check-in was very efficient. They have streamlined the process by installing self-serve electronic check-in booths, thus […]

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Need Help Choosing a Drink? Why not let a Vending Machine Decide for You…or Why not Make the Purchases with Your Fingers?

   Japan’s love for technology has taken several leaps forward – this time, in the world of vending machines.  I just wanted to share with you an interesting marketing blog on Japan’s vending machines. Vending machines that help a customer choose a drink are becoming increasingly popular in the technology-obsessed nation of Japan. Equipped with […]

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