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Product Placement in James Bond Films

Just like Keith Foong, when examples of product placement in movies were discussed in class, I was thinking about all the product placement strategies used in the last two James Bond movies. The one which stuck in my mind the most was the scene when James Bond (Daniel Craig) first meets Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) […]

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Marketing Heaven

I just like to start by commenting on how AMAZING the snow is – it’s literally a sea of snow! Right now, I’m sitting next to the fireplace sipping a cup of hot coffee enjoying the snowfall whilst being soothed by the soft Christmas carols playing in the background. Anyway, on Saturday night, I was lucky […]

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This isn’t going to be a marketing post per se; I just really need to vent my spleen and I need to do it through a blogpost filled with rage, but I’ll try and link in some marketing principles. So last night, I was at the Pit Pub and I was having a very enjoyable time, […]

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  I was reading through Stacey Barry’s blog on Tourism Australia’s 2006 campaign blunder (see commercial here), which depicted various attractions in Australia such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and views of rural Australia. It was a marketing campaign designed to boost Australia’s international tourism industry, but it all went horribly […]

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Flying into Turbulence

    This is just going to be a quick blog post on a marketing point which crossed my mind whilst reading this article on the recent engine explosion on a Qantas aircraft several minutes after it departed from Singapore. Its disintegration ripped a hole in the wing, destroying wiring that prevented the pilots from switching […]

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     The brand, Singapore Airlines, resonates with luxury, comfort, extraordinary service and the quintessential Singapore Girl. It is the standard for all other international airlines and I believe this to be true. Having flown Singapore Airlines more than 30 times in my life between Singapore and Sydney, Tokyo, Seoul, Jakarta, Bangkok, Kota Kinabalu, Hong Kong, […]

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Measles Vaccination

    I want to share this advertisement by the “Measles Initiative”, which focuses on vaccinating people against the virus, measles. I was shown this video at the very beginning of my Virology class last Friday (once in the link, watch “The Last Measles” video) and somewhat surprisingly, some marketing ideas popped into my mind.     Just some background information on […]

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Don’t Fall through the Gap, GAP!

I was reading Simon McEvoy’s marketing blog relating to Gap’s recent embarrassing blunder when Gap’s attempted re-branding of its logo was met with strong criticism and disapproval from Gap’s customers . For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about…earlier this month, Gap changed its logo on its website from the identifiable white letters in […]

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Who Satisfied all my Needs? VIA Rail Did!

I’m not going to lie…but I’ve been eager to write several blogs in the last week on a few interesting marketing topics but I haven’t because of several reasons: (i) I’ve been really sick with the flu; and (ii) even with the flu, I’ve been studying for 2 mid-terms, but since completing the marketing mid-term just less than a […]

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