Self Assessment Reflection

It is with a heavy heart that I write my final reflection for ENGL 301A 99. As this course comes to an end, I reflect on all of the work that I have completed over these past few months. I genuinely enjoyed this class and would recommend it to my fellow students.

Strengths and Weaknesses in the Learning Process

Coming into the course, I was confident about my ability to communicate well both verbally and in writing. I had prior experience composing application packages for jobs and volunteer positions. That being said, I struggled with finding a ‘unique writing voice,’ which is why I made that one of my top priorities. I found some of the more technical aspects of business writing to be the most difficult to relearn, as I had already developed a particular approach to crafting cover letters, reports, etc. With an open mind, I re-evaluated some of my preconceived notions about writing and came to the conclusion that I still had a lot to learn.

By reviewing the Instructor’s Blog and the required readings prior to commencing each assignment, I came to appreciate the importance of writing concisely and with conviction. In order to craft a ‘unique writing voice,’ I focused on using an active voice and eliminating the use of writing clichés. One of the skills that I developed this term was to get rid of unnecessary words and phrases whenever I had to created reports and memorandums. I also began the habit of proofreading my work more than once in order to ensure that I caught any spelling or grammatical mistakes. The formal report assignment was also useful in helping me to understand the different ways in which data can be communicated.

Future Goals

In the new year, my focus is on obtaining a temporary position with the Government of Canada, before applying to a graduate program a year or so later. I can draw on lessons that I have learned in this course in order to make my job application(s) stand out. Hopefully once I land a suitable position that focuses on research or policy analysis, I will be in a better position to tackle proposals and complex reports. In particular, the ‘You Attitude’ writing technique that I encountered this semester has been  especially effective in helping me to become a stronger writer. I will be using this technique in the future as I now have a better idea of how to build a connection with my audience. 

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