Unit One Reflection

Coming into this course, I had the goal of developing a strategy where I could effectively  communicate any piece of information to a specific audience. By completing the assignments as part of unit one, I am confident that I am one step closer to achieving this goal. With regard to future assignments, I hope to fulfil my desire to formulate a unique writing voice and writing style.

Definition Assignment

The definition writing assignment initially threw me for a loop as I had difficulty selecting an appropriate term to define. Within the field of political science, many concepts are interpreted differently across the various schools of political thought making it challenging to acknowledge one particular definition. When I eventually selected a term, I then became concerned about presuming a base level of knowledge and potentially alienating the reader(s) if I had assumed too much.

After carefully consulting reputable sources about sovereignty, and reviewing the different techniques used to expand any definition, I felt more positive about my approach to the assignment. I appreciated using examples and the ‘required conditions’ technique in my writing to help support my definition. This is relevant because as a reader in the process of learning a new concept, I often look for these techniques to help me better understand what the author is trying to convey.

Peer Review Process

Based on the feedback I obtained from Quentin Michalchuk, the techniques I deployed in my expanded definition were relatively well-received. I was grateful that he took the time to review my assignment and was able to provide well thought out feedback that touched on both the strengths and weaknesses of my expanded definition. His confusion surrounding the use of my image prompted me to switch it to something that was more relevant to the concept that I was defining.

On the flip side, as a peer reviewer, I was able to observe the way in which other techniques were used to communicate difficult pieces of information. Acting as a reviewer allowed me the opportunity to see another approach to achieving the same goal. Undoubtedly, this exercise will benefit me as a writer and researcher as I am now more confident in my abilities to draft an expanded definition.

Taking into consideration the feedback that I had received, I was able to make small, but strategic edits to my definition that will serve to make my writing more accessible to a general audience. It can be difficult to receive honest feedback from family and friends, but in an academic setting this is far less likely to occur.

Upon reflection, I chose to substitute the word ‘inalienable’ for ‘absolute’ so that there would be less confusion for my audience. I also took it upon myself to correct some minor grammatical and formatting errors. The opportunity to make revisions based on peer feedback is one that is often underappreciated, despite the fact that it is vitally important for professional and personal growth. In my opinion, the time and commitment that it takes to self-reflect on one’s work is a skill that will transfer well into the workforce.

Revised definition: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2020wa/2020/10/07/revised-defintion/

Peer review report: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2020wa/2020/10/05/quentin-michalchuk-engl-301-assignment-13-peer-review-of-sovereignty/

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