Web Folio Creation Reflection

In all honesty, the idea of creating a web folio for personal and professional use was scary in the beginning. Prior to creating this web folio, I had very little experience creating and customizing websites for a particular audience. However, I felt more confident approaching the assignment once I read over the textbook readings for this unit and looked at examples of web folios prepared by other young professionals.

Getting Started

Once I got a better sense of what the assignment was all about, I had to begin by determining who my audience would be. As an undergraduate student who is about to graduate soon, I have plans to enter the workforce for a short period of time before enrolling in a graduate program. With that in mind, I looked into ways that my web folio could be strategically organized to highlight both my academic and professional achievements. In addition, I also wanted to touch on my future goals and showcase marketable skills for potential employers and graduate school programs.

Designing my Web Folio

As someone who wants to pursue a career in the civil service after graduation before moving on to a graduate program that focuses on law or public policy, I wanted the layout of my web folio to reflect these specific goals. In designing my web folio, I was able to revisit several assignments that helped to develop my technical writing skills. Many of these assignments highlight my written communication skills, which are key to success in any civil service job or any graduate degree program. Another area of focus for my web folio is the inclusion of creative elements in the form of pictures. I enjoyed the opportunity to tell my story using my own visuals that add a bit of personality to a web folio that is generally pretty traditional in its presentation.

This assignment was a lot of fun to work on and I feel more confident about marketing my skills to future employers. I took great pride in the work I completed throughout the semester and I am eager to begin sharing it with the rest of the world. The job market is constantly changing and the ability to create websites and promote your skills online is more important than ever before. I look forward to adding to my web folio as the years go by and I would encourage all of my university peers to do the same.

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