About Me

My name is Eugenia Fasciani and I am a fourth year political science major at the University of British Columbia. Within my field of study, I am particularly interested in comparative politics, international politics and federalism as it relates to different policy frameworks. While not a concentrated area of study for me, I am also fascinated by history and romance languages. It is my hope to transition into a professional degree program shortly after graduation, whether it be a program focusing on law or foreign policy.

As a former co-op student, I had the privilege of working for a non-profit organization, the provincial government, a semi-incorporated business and more recently, the federal government. During my time as a Communications Assistant for a local charity, I created press releases and marketing campaigns that resulted in 100+ underprivileged women receiving diapers and other baby supplies for their newborns. I completed my second work term at the Supreme Court of British Columbia where I worked with some of Canada’s brightest legal minds to advance technological opportunities for staff at the courthouse. My last co-op term enabled me to act as a civil servant in a federal department that had its own litigation management and resolution branch. This role propelled me to explore a career in law as I had a chance to see it being applied first hand.

A lot of the roles that I have fulfilled during my co-op journey have encouraged me to hone in on my technical writing skills as it is arguably one of the most important transferable skills one can develop. It is for that reason that I am very excited to be graduating in the spring of 2021 and moving on to the next chapter in my life!