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Revised Definition Assignment

The purpose of the assignment was to gain insight into the role of definitions and appreciate their importance with regard to technical writing. The target audience and purpose determined the need for each definition. There were three levels of definition that were differentiated based on the amount of detail given. This included the parenthetical definition, the sentence definition, and the expanded definition. It was the writer’s responsibility to select the right level of detail according to the situation. In this case, I explored a scenario in which a political science professor explained the concept of ‘sovereignty’ to a freshman student.

Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment 

At the end of Unit One, the students were encouraged to provide each other with feedback on their writing. This meant that students had to carefully examine the overall document and consider their peer’s writing technique and strategies. Students also had to indicate where they thought editing was necessary and note any specific highlights and weaknesses. This was the first assignment that introduced students to the concept of peer review. In my revision of this assignment, I corrected minor grammatical errors and adopted the ‘You Attitude’ writing technique.

Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report

The formal report was a major assignment that was continuously worked on throughout the term. This assignment had students create a proposal for a formal report that would convince the intended audience of the need for an actual formal report. The progress report gave more details about the formal report regarding data collection and included a timeline for the report’s completion. In my progress memorandum and report proposal, I explore ways to ‘Increase participation rates for ACSA’S Mentorship Program.’

Revised Complaint Letter and Response Letter

For this assignment, students were tasked with choosing a situation for which they would write a complaint letter regarding an unsatisfactory experience to a specific company or organization. Students also had to provide a professional response to the complaint letter from the prospective of a company representative. In these letters, I addressed Amazon as a dissatisfied customer looking for an exchange request, and addressed this customer from the perspective from an Amazon Customer Service Agent.

Revised Peer Review of Application Package

The application package assignment was designed to help students learn how to apply for jobs, volunteer positions and graduate programs. In this assignment, students were asked to put together a package that included: a job/volunteer posting, a cover letter/application letter, a résumé and three letters addressed to different people asking for references. As usual, students were given the opportunity to review each other’s work and provide constructive feedback. After proofreading my peer review a second time, I made a few minor revisions.

Revised Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

Like the other peer review assignments, this gave the students the opportunity to review each other’s formal report draft. As the formal report was perhaps the most important project assigned in this course, peer feedback was invaluable in preparing the report for its final revision. After carefully proofreading my peer review after it was submitted, I corrected some minor grammatical issues.