Second Week



imageimageBefore the end of last week, Ms. Chu had discussed with me about the plans for this week. She provided several teaching opportunities in the second week. Because of the successfulness of my perspective drawings lesson in the first week, Ms. Chu had recommended my lesson to other Year 3 teachers. So, starting on Monday, I taught Class 3.1, 3.2, and 3.4. Then, on Tuesday, I taught 3.5 about drawing. I heard many positive feedback and supportive encouragements from the other teachers. I felt lucky to be able to have the opportunity to see how the dynamics in every class is different. On Tuesday, I taught a lesson to 3.4 about Quotation Marks and a lesson using Drama. I really enjoyed teaching the Drama lesson and I think the students had a good time learning about concentration, good listening, quick movement and imagination. We started with a warm up activity called Splat! which get students to use their imagination. They are to believe that I have a pie in my hand and that when it hits them they are to clap their hands and say Splat! If they are not part of the group, which I had thrown the pie at, they will be out. They enjoyed the ‘Splat!’ warm-up; it allowed for an easy transition to the main activity. The main activity gets students to imagine that they are packing their suitcases for a vacation (specifically for summer). As they are ‘packing their suitcases’, I am walking around to see what students are doing. When I shout “Freeze!” students freeze and I walk around and ask what they are packing for their vacation. I am fairly new at teaching drama, but I was pretty happy with the way the lesson went. All of the students were able to be involved. It is very rewarding to see responsive and engaging feedback from the students.

For the Unit of Inquiry, students have been studying about “How we express themselves” through the arts. They have been researching specifically for Pointillism, Impressionism, Pop Art, and Cubism. I feel privileged that I am able to be involved in the class’ Unit of Inquiry lesson so actively. My background is in Fine Arts, so this is really a perfect opportunity for me to teach students about something I enjoy.

This week students are becoming more familiar with me, and they are starting to take more initiatives to come and speak to me. I am glad to see that I am made more of a presence in the classroom.

Another note worth mentioning is our meeting with the school development advisor at ESF and the program coordinators from UBC International Community Field Experience. It was a wonderful meeting and we (student teachers) were able to share our positive experience at our respective schools thus far. I shared specifically about: the quality of the arts, collaboration of teacher planning, rich facilities and resources, inquisitive mind of the learners, and general professionalism amongst the staff. Mr. Durbin (school development advisor) provided us a picture of the overall curriculum at ESF schools and the experiences that ESF students are currently apart of. It is so great to learn from someone who is so knowledgeable and cares so much about the development for the school.

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