
Welcome to my Web Folio!

Hi, my name is Chris Jung and I am a 4th-year Computer Science at UBC. This summer, I took an intensive writing course called ENGL301: Technical Writing at UBC . This Web Folio is to showcase what I learned and achieved throughout the semester. You can browse this website or directly visit each page of my work following the navigational advice below

Navigational Advice

  • About Me: A more detailed introduction of myself. You can learn about my history and interests here. 
  • Blog: Reflections on the activities and learnings of this course.
  • Online Resume: Online version of my resume summarizing my skills, academic, and professional experiences.
  • Application Package: The package of the documents that I wrote to apply for 2023 Amazon SDE Internship.
  • Best Works: The revised writings that I wrote throughout the semester taking ENGL301.