Unit 3 Reflection

My overall impression of Unit Three was very overwhelming because of the copious amount of work to be done in a short amount of time. However, since the deadline was already posted from the beginning of the course, I think I should have done a better preparation for the final report.

Data Collection/Analysis

The survey design, getting the survey, and summarizing the result of the survey were less time-consuming and difficult than I expected. I assume that this is because I chose the topic(weightlifting and gym) that I am very familiar with and enjoy. For this reason, I knew what to ask, and also knew what I would get as an answer.  I could simulate the entire data collection process in my head before I begin and thoroughly plan everything in advance. Also, the result of the survey was very similar to what I had expected, so making an argument based on it was also not that difficult.


As a formal engineer, I even have not written this wordy formal report in my previous company. Thus, formulating a series of contents and weaving them together to create one cohesive document to persuade the reader was very challenging for me especially because English is not my first language. So, I need to concentrate hard to create effective sentences that connect to each other, the section, and to the report. This was never an easy process, but I think I improved my writing skills more in this single intensive assignment than in all assignments in this course combined.

Formatting of the Report

However, the most time-consuming and challenging part of the report was putting my content into a professional writing format. My memory of MS Word was very rusty I had to teach myself about many features in the program such as putting a table of contents, setting a format for each paragraph level and etc. After all, this was a good experience to learn these skills because they will be useful in my career in the future.

The final thoughts after this section is that I again, realized that there is never too preparation in the world. From now on, I will wisely manage my time and write the best version of my final formal report.

The first draft of my formal report: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30198a2022s12/2022/07/22/draft-of-formal-report/

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