Web-Folio Reflection

The Web-Folio assignment was the second most challenging assignment because of its large amount of work and some technical difficulties. As this assignment encompasses the entire previous assignments, I found that there were a lot of works that I had to revisit and revise. Even though the number of documents I have to revise was a lot, the peer review and the feedback from Prof. Paterson helped me a lot to revise my works.

The technical difficulty was something I did not expect in the beginning. Since the UBC blog does not provide the features of WordPress in the same way as a regular WordPress blog, it took me some time to fix the troubles such as how to create sub-folder or put indentations to my writing.

Although this assignment was definitely challenging, it was a valuable experience to review all the works that I did and see the improvements. For example, I could notice that I improved my writing in a professional tone quite a lot throughout this summer. It gave me confidence for my future writing.

I have wanted to make a website to showcase my programming portfolio, thus creating this Web-Folio gave me a lot of lessons about the content and formatting of my future website.  Also, knowing how to organize and manage a blog was also a valuable asset that I attained from this activity. Especially, the troubleshooting I had while making the Web-Folio would definitely help me operate a website or a blog in the future.

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