Author Archives: ChrisJung


This course was both challenging and enjoyable as there was not a single assignment that is very easy for me to do and I could see myself growing up after each assignment at the same time. To be honest, I … Continue reading

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Web-Folio Reflection

The Web-Folio assignment was the second most challenging assignment because of its large amount of work and some technical difficulties. As this assignment encompasses the entire previous assignments, I found that there were a lot of works that I had … Continue reading

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Unit 3 Reflection

My overall impression of Unit Three was very overwhelming because of the copious amount of work to be done in a short amount of time. However, since the deadline was already posted from the beginning of the course, I think … Continue reading

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Unit Two Reflection

My overall impression of Unit Two is that I feel like I became more strategic and engaged in writing as I kept thinking about the technical parts of writing such as audience, purpose, and structure of my writing throughout the … Continue reading

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Unit One Reflection

Writing My Definition Writing my own definition gave me a good lesson that I need to focus more on the target audience than myself when I write. The first mistake I made was that I decided to write the definition … Continue reading

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Emails and Response for Team Formation

Offer Mail 1 Dear Dale, I am writing this mail to invite you to my writing team for ENGL 301 course. I was impressed by your biography and application letter, especially how you combine technology and your communication skills to create new values. Your … Continue reading

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Memo TO: Dr. Erika Patterson, Professor of ENGL301 FROM: Chris Jung DATE: May 30, 2022 SUBJECT: The application letter has been posted I have posted my application letter for ENGL301 on my blog page( with the post name: Application Letter. My … Continue reading

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Application Letter

42nd W. Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6G 1J7 30th May 2022 Dear ENGL301 Classmates, My name is Chris Jung and I would like to introduce myself and what values I can bring to your writing team. My professional and academic experiences … Continue reading

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Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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