Marketing Group Project Final Reflection

What? School’s over?! But it just started..!

As unbelievable as it sounds, term 1 is over, and it is time to count the number of mistakes I’ve made throughout the semester! Seriously though, there are so many things I wish I could change in the term, and, as I regretfully realize, of them are things that could have been easily changed if only I put in a little more effort.

So, here is my list of should’ve, would’ve, could’ve-s for the marketing group project:

  1. If I were to go back to the very beginning, I would have planned everything ahead so there is little confusion of what to do.
  2. I should have contributed more to the group, whether by suggesting more ideas or really doing the work (such as writing the script or editing the video), instead of leaving everything up to certain teammates.
  3. I could have definitely spent more time with my group and really get to know each other better, because they are really awesome! (You guys are really awesome!)
  4. And lastly, I can’t believe I am saying this, for I am not a huge fan of Apple, but I would have rather used an iPhone than a camcorder to film the video. The video camera our group borrowed was difficult to handle, of lesser quality than that of a iPhone, and always uncharged which always added to our time issue.

Above all, finding the right time that works for everyone in the group was definitely the hardest part of the group project, and I believe everyone could have done better if it weren’t for the time constraint.

There were definitely some frustration and hardship throughout the group project (like when we had to group-call on Skype for literally 12 hours), but we overcame these difficulties not as a group but as a team. For this reason, I can’t say I put in only the bestest of me into the project, but I can say with confidence that there is no regret or shame in the final outcome of the project or the team I could take part in.

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