Midterm Evaluation Posts

For my midterm evaluation, I decided to choose the three blogs in which I am responding to questions from lessons. I thought that focusing on my more scholarly/academic posts would better represent how I am navigating this course so far, although I have really appreciated the chance to work to create more creative and personal blog posts (like the writing a story about evil entering the world and sharing experiences of home with peers).

The first blog is responding to Question 5 from Lesson 1:2. I was very interested in the argument Chamberlin was making and I found that trying to break down the points he was making helped me to digest the information more fully and form my own opinions and questions about changing title in Canada.

1:3 Changing Title in Canada

The second blog post I chose is in response to Question 5 from Lesson 2:4. This post differs from the last one because rather than attempting to outline someone else’s argument, I was simply trying to communicate my impressions of a story. I was particularly excited about finding a connection between the coyote story and a story about Indigenous chiefs from British Columbia having an audience with King Edward VII.

2:4 Considering Coyote Twins

The third blog post is in response to the third question in Lesson 2:6. I thought that I got some great comments from my peers and was excited about the discussions in the comment section.

2:6 The Map that Roared


2 Thoughts.

  1. Hi Eva,

    I’ve enjoyed reading your blog posts and engaging in discussions in the comments with you! I am starting to look ahead at next week’s assignment of finding 3 partners for the end of term online conference (assignment 3:3).

    Throughout this course, I’ve been particularly interested in connecting what we are learning to modern day issues Indigenous communities encouter – as such, most of my blog posts have related to this in some way. I imagine I’ll be interested in continuing to explore this in the online conference.

    In terms of my schedule and working habits, I work full-time so am mostly available outside of 9 – 5 to get assignments completed, but am available online throughout the day. I have been trying to get most of the assignments done in advance of the deadlines and would appreciate being in a group with a similar attitude. I also want to note that I will be travelling starting April 4th, so will be trying to get as much of the assignment completed before then as possible.

    If you’re interested in potentially working together, please let me know by either replying to this comment or emailing me at katarina.smith96@gmail.com! Thanks 🙂

    • Hey Katarina,
      I’m so excited that you reached out!
      I have found your blog posts so insightful and always look forward to reading them. I’ve particularly enjoyed your connections to contemporary issues so would be excited to collaborate with you to do so for the online conference.
      I think getting assignments done in advance is especially important in group work so I am happy to read that you feel the same!
      I will email you or message you on Facebook 🙂

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