Monthly Archives: November 2011

Sitting in at CiTR

On Wednesday, I got the sweet chance to sit in on a CiTR show, UBC’s campus radio. Just walking into the CiTR clubroom is an adventure. The aura is one of a medieval pub, of which every person has a unique story. One of which a dragon was slain with the toenail shavings of several yaks. Another of which an evil wizard and a noble gladiator had a lute-off, ending in the establishment of Lute-apalooza. It was a pretty special vibe.

The hallway walls are decked with newspaper comics, everything from Calvin and Hobbes (the apex of smart humour) to Cathy (the other end of the spectrum). Long hair and jovial faces line the halls, a Christmas-like sensation of music, ghosts of Christmas Lennon, Cobain and Hendrix, always apparent. I ventured through the station to Val, the host of Folk Oasis, the show I’d be sitting in on. She was talking to Matt Masters, a country singer from Calgary who had come in to play on the air. He was such a swell guy, embodying the fun-loving country attitude of a well-off cattle rancher albeit brandishing a sharp comedian’s wit. I sat in the studio, about the size of a rez room, amazed at the computerized function of what we hear on the air. It’d be like drilling to the centre of the earth, fighting off the hellish layers of magma and molten metals, to get to a small control room where a guy in an Urban Outfitters shirt and slurpie in hand was deciding the fate of humanity.

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Dan Mangan in Vancouver

One of my favourite parts of Vancouver is its rich musical roots. Only a city with a diversified pool of talent like ours could produce Michael Bublé and Bryan Adams, Sarah McLachlan and Mark Donnelly. And if you don’t know who Mark Donnelly is, watch a Canucks game. His voice will take your mind off the fact that we’ve never won a cup. So it was a huge treat when I discovered Dan Mangan, a nestled Canadian treasure hidden in the troves of Vancouver humbleness. Dan and his album “Nice, Nice, Very Nice” changed my perception of Vancouver music. He was at the musical stage of producing brilliant music, minus the mainstream, stadium-frequenting presence. He had the perfect setting for an indie, hipster musician with a dab of arrogance, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Dan was your friend who made it big. Dan was the guy who loved words, guitar and the tickled feeling in his throat when he sang just that much harder. In four words, Dan was a delight.

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My Thoughts on the Shia LaBeouf Occurrence

Woah, so a whole bunch of stuff happened. Shia LaBeouf, Halloween, Midterms. Only one of those is truly scary though. Shia, obviously. Have you seen Disturbia? Fits the title.  This week was jam-packed with events like a hipster’s iTunes is with obscure band names, like “Howling Pasta Orchestra” or “Totalitarian Amphibian.”

But I’ve got to give my attention to what overtook the campus conscious, the big talk at UBC being that “SHIA LABEOUF WAS LIKE FOUR FEET FROM ME!!! HE WAS JUST SITTING DOWN AND HE TOOK A BITE OF A SANDWICH AND I LOVE HIM!!!!!” or so I saw on Facebook. That was in the morning, when the stages of celebrity spotting were in the works. First was the flurry of urgent information:

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