State Of My Life: Reading Week

Reading Week, a title suggesting monocle-clad scholars in the comfort of their dens, analyzing Voltaire and Descartes, occasionally grumbling a

“mmmmmm, yes”

As they nod their heads ever so gently.

Well, I beg to differ. How have I spent the Sunday before Reading Week? Firstly, in pajamas. Secondly…there is no secondly. My whole day has consisted of resisting the urge to dress like a productive member of society. But let me tell you, it was awesome. When you don’t have a Philosophy paper down your neck or a History reading to catch up on, lounging becomes a lot better. But you know, this free time feels weird. I’m constantly thinking,

“I’m relaxing…for no reason whatsoever. Wait, no pressure? No midterm? No paper? What is this sorcery?”

I am a bit lucky though. While everybody has midterms like people in the 14th century had the plague, which, let’s be honest, is a fair analogy, I only have one midterm. Now I know this will make me the village outcast, a target for a horde of angry pitchfork-wielding UBC undergrads, but alas, I as well have my pile of stress. I didn’t know when I chose them, but most of my courses are paper-oriented. So while others are cramming their brains with as much knowledge as they can, I’m trying to pass my courses with 12-point Times New Roman font and 1” margins. But if I had to choose between midterms and papers, I’d definitely choose papers. I’ve forgotten most of what I had to know for my Psychology midterm last term, but etched in my brain is my Gettier Case argument for Philosophy. I learn by connecting to the material, and I just can’t do that when I’m choosing A, B, C or D. Give me time. Let me absorb the topic and formulate my opinion. That way you’ll get a defendable thesis on paper, rather than an unsure multiple choice on scantron.

While I always appreciate a break (by which I don’t mean a Kit-Kat), I really had a good thing going. I got my second Ubyssey article published, I clocked significant time at CiTR, and I bought a jar of nutella.

Now, in retrospect, considering I have no bread or anything, perhaps buying a whole jar of nutella, which I will end up eating with a spoon and a side of shame, is a sign for concern. But, how can one say such things when that sweet hazelnut spread tickles the fabric of pleasure, shaking all that is real? In layman’s terms, Nutella is awesome. I mean seriously, look at it.

All in all (another crappy concluding statement, I know), break is nice. But right now, university life is nice too. I’m finally finding my habitat, you know? I’ve got the best of both worlds and that feels good. Oh, and I’ve also got Nutella, so make that the best of three worlds.

I want to start a new thing, so I’m going to start leaving a favourite song of mine at the bottom of my blog posts. So for this week, please enjoy the song that is sweeping the indie nation. Cheers.

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