Monthly Archives: March 2012

Late Night with Evan Brow

A consistent theme, as of late, has been myself scouring the depths of night to complete my work, or even to start my work. There’s just something alluring, and oddly addictive, about the night, like that curry dinner you know you shouldn’t eat, but you eat it anyway, and then an hour later you’re writhing on the ground thinking,

“Well, it’s not like I didn’t see that coming.”

That’s what constantly staying up late is like. I know it’s bad for me, I know I’ll pay the price, but I do it anyway. Why? Well, the internet basically beckons me over, singing,

“♫ Let me show you the world ♫”

“♫ Reddit, Facebook, and YouTube ♫”

I’m disappointed in you if you didn’t get that reference. But it is kind of cool being up late. I feel like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. I don’t know what my “Wilson” would be. Maybe my “The Usual Suspects” poster? Maybe my dining hall sandwich wrappings? We’ll see. That’s for Future Evan to deal with. Geez, that guy sure is going to be stressed. Although, he has become a superhero by this point. Super Evan, wielding the ability to defuse awkward situations, a superpower sought after by all.

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Midterms and Papers and Productivity, Oh My!

From the burnt-out, dreadfully lazy, sweatpants-clad ashes of Reading Week emerged the library-going, textbook-reading, caffeine-guzzling phoenix of the past week. Yes, my friends, the week after Reading Week. Ironically one of the most stressful weeks of the year. You’d think a break would settle your nerves, calm your Chi. But I bet many students found themselves at 10:00pm last Sunday saying,

“I have six projects, four papers, two dioramas, a uncooperative dog to train, a sidewalk mural to paint, and an existential interpretive dance piece all due tomorrow! Damn my procrastination!”

So I found myself at IKB most of last week, half trying to find the comfiest chair and half actually doing what I set out for. Seriously though, they have some comfy chairs over there. Much comfier than any of the Koerner chairs. Although, Buchanan has two very snug couches. Geez, this could be a research paper of mine. I’m sure there’s an active academic community willing to discuss UBC furniture comfort. Well, maybe an inactive community, considering their obsession with lounging.

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