Late Night with Evan Brow

A consistent theme, as of late, has been myself scouring the depths of night to complete my work, or even to start my work. There’s just something alluring, and oddly addictive, about the night, like that curry dinner you know you shouldn’t eat, but you eat it anyway, and then an hour later you’re writhing on the ground thinking,

“Well, it’s not like I didn’t see that coming.”

That’s what constantly staying up late is like. I know it’s bad for me, I know I’ll pay the price, but I do it anyway. Why? Well, the internet basically beckons me over, singing,

“♫ Let me show you the world ♫”

“♫ Reddit, Facebook, and YouTube ♫”

I’m disappointed in you if you didn’t get that reference. But it is kind of cool being up late. I feel like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. I don’t know what my “Wilson” would be. Maybe my “The Usual Suspects” poster? Maybe my dining hall sandwich wrappings? We’ll see. That’s for Future Evan to deal with. Geez, that guy sure is going to be stressed. Although, he has become a superhero by this point. Super Evan, wielding the ability to defuse awkward situations, a superpower sought after by all.

I have a bunch of papers coming up. A Poli Sci one on the death of Fascism and a History paper on radical Islamic fundamentalist groups. Fun stuff. I see myself old and withered, out on the porch with a glass of lemonade, reminiscing about the gentle days when a boy could spend the gentle chill of spring, with the birds chirping and the flowers blooming, writing about al-Qaeda and Hitler. Just seems right, doesn’t it?

But, while I jest, I really do love the papers I do. I’ve already said that my first term paper comparing Nazi occupation in France to Nazi occupation in Poland was one of the most educational experiences I could’ve had. I guess I just light up when someone mentions a fascist totalitarian dictator.

But, while I revel in the chance to learn out of the classroom, I’m just a bit swamped. I have my History Term Paper, my Poli Sci Term Paper, my ASTU poster, my French Travel Diary, and my ASTU Research Paper all due within a week from each other. Ugh, I wish I could just montage parts of my life. Throw in some sick “Eye of the Tiger”, add some gnarly cut-screens and boom, assignments completed.  And there’d probably be a scene of me climbing a mountain or something, letting out a big victory roar at the top, something like that. Man, low-budget action movies have more cheese than Mouse Heaven.

Anyways, back here in reality, goodbye reasonable sleep schedule. But don’t fret, good gentles! I have broken out the almighty to-do list again. Everyday I’m scheduling. I’m organized and I know it. So, hopefully, the plane that is Evan will make a gentle landing under low visibility and reasonable turbulence.

Today’s song is from Lake Forest, a very small Toronto-based folk project by Will Whitwham. I guess that makes me a hipster. Whatever, let’s just get this guy famous. He’s really good. Enjoy.

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