Tag Archives: Ugh


So, I’m sick again. Anyone have an ice cream sandwich? Ah, a subtle reference to a past post. How “Lost” of me.

I was sick in October, and that was a game changer. First time being sick alone and all. This time’s different though. I know how to operate. I know what to stock up on. I know what curled up position on the bed shields the light the best. That said, it still sucks. It drains my energy into a black hole. Whatever creativity I had been cultivating is now roadkill, crushed by the Hummer of flu season. I even hate the word. Flu. It looks gross. I mean, it ends with a u. Not many nice things end with a u.

But regardless, I have it. Sandwiches don’t taste as crisp as they used to, orange juice stings the throat, and all things salty are chapping my lips like never before. Truly a nightmare for your typical North American student.

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