
Welcome to my Web Folio for English 301- Technical Writing.

Hello and welcome! Happy to have you visit. 

This website is designed to share and showcase information about myself and my work from ENGL 301. As I progress towards a career in sales/ marketing, I’ve found Technical Writing to be extremely valuable; not only as a tool for external documentation and presentation, but also, for internal communication and correspondence. 

In part, my Web Folio demonstrates my aptitude for technical writing and communication in the following sections: 

  • Biography  – A description of who I am, where I grew up, what I study, etc.
  • Blog – Introductions to and reflections for various assignments and units 
  • Resume – PDF, updated in December of 2020
  • LinkedIn – Showcases resume, connections, career accomplishments, etc in an online format
  • Application Package – PDF file of job application package

Course Description

ENGL 301 is an online course offered at the University of British Columbia. As a Technical Writing course, ENGL 301 focuses on the principles of written communication in general business. More specifically, students will discuss and practice the writing of proposals, applications, reports, correspondence, etc. Students will be expected to work in consultation with an instructor, independently, and collaboratively with a team.

The course is broken into 4 distinct units:

  1. Principles, Practices and People in English- Students will be introduced to the principles of technical and business writing.
  2. Designing a Report Proposal; Defining Terms with Audience in Mind- Students will design and submit a report proposal to writing team. Moreover, students will build and expand their professional media presence; building and enhancing their resume.
  3. Designing a Report Outline & Draft; Building your Resume and Job Application skills- Students will be working through UBC’s Career Services page to locate and apply to suitable career-related job advertisements.
  4. Drafting the Formal Report; Peer Review and Final Report; developing networking strategies- Students will focus on the final write-up of their formal report; emphasizing the organization, audience and evidence within it.

In this course, I hope to develop and enhance my, professional online media presence; through social platforms like Linkedin. As I have begin to have more work experience, I must learn how to prioritize and emphasize what is most relevant. Moreover, I hope that this course will improve my professional communications (messaging, emailing, etc), so that I am able to express my ideas in the most productive/effective way possible.